HCL Sametime 11.6 failed to load

Categories: HCL

I just upgraded my HCL Sametime community server from 11.5 to 11.6. The upgrade ran successfully, but sametime didn’t load when Domino 11.0.1 FP3 was started.
I tried load staddin from the server console and it showed Sametime: Server startup successful… well that wasn’t the case when i looked at the console on my linux server.

The console showed the following message:

/opt/hcl/domino/notes/11000100/linux/staddin: errror while loadin shared libraries: libcrypto.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

/opt/hcl/domino/notes/11000100/linux/staddin: errror while loadin shared libraries: libssl.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

However there was a libcrypto-domino.so.1.1 and a libssl-domino.so.1.1 in the /opt/hcl/domino/notes/11000100/linux folder, so I created a symbolic link and that did the trick, now my Sametime Server actually started.

I used these commands to create the symbolic links

ln -s libcrypto-domino.so.1.1 libcrypto.so.1.1
ln -s libssl-domino.so.1.1 libssl.so.1.1